You’re Worth It !
How To Keep Your Financial and Personal Stability and Still Be Generous, Successful and Balanced

- Heather McFall
Just as a table must stand on four legs to be balanced and stable we must consider balance in our lives. Physical, spiritual, financial and romantic needs must be met equally to have balance. If you are sacrificing one to accomplish the other you will only be able to rob Peter to pay Paul for a limited time.
We all know this but following it may take conscious effort before it becomes habit. Take this moment right now to check in with all four legs of your table to be sure it is secure enough to stand firm.
1. Are you physically where you want to be? What can you do to improve your health all the way around? (Food, Activity, unhealthy habits like alcohol, smoking, bad posture, poor sleep)
Examples of these sacrifices are as simple as skipping meals, sleep or physical activity rather than scheduling it into your day or using caffeine to wake and other substances to sleep.
2. Are you spiritually connected and accountable to something greater than you with a sense of purpose? Are you on your mission or just killing time?
Spiritual sacrifice is letting prayer, self hypnosis, self improvement or keeping positive people to model in your awareness fall to the way side.
3. Are your romance needs being met? Married? In a relationship? How connected is it? If single how long has it been since you connected sincerely with someone, are you avoiding it?
Romantic sacrifice is harmful to not only yourself but the commitment you made to the person you’ve dedicated yourself to. When the romance is sacrificed it compromises the spiritual and physical. Never underestimate the power of a good laugh, holding hands or a quiet still hug. Having someone like this in your life provides a safety and security. That lack of security may go unnoticed if distracted by the other priorities; slowly taking more toll than you would expect.
4. Financial balance is the purpose of this lesson and our major focus here. Do you have at least 2 to 3 years worth of income in the bank and accessible to you? Do you have financial freedom so risk isn’t so risky? What percentage are you limiting yourself to monthly or annually for charitable or generous actions, have you compromised yourself for others? Are you caring for yourself equal to every one else?
When you live above your means obviously the stress of needing to create the income can cause your other needs to be compromised. On the other hand, living well but over spending on others, things or places can
cause similar strain. You are worth the money you earn and how you care for yourself tells your subconscious your value.
Just as we should speak positively about ourselves and keep promises to ourselves we must also do for ourselves equally as we would do for others. What percentage of your income goes to taxes? What percentage goes to your church or charity? What percentage goes to your business expenses or overhead? Your annual savings should match your taxes at least.
When you are in touch with your body, spirit, romance and finances equally you are creating belief and esteem in yourself. Keep promises to yourself as sincerely as you would to anyone else and your subconscious will value you equally to others. Consciously make your choices as you
equally do for others. That could mean being more considerate of yourself or maybe you need to be more considerate of others. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Let’s visit that. When you’re being generous how would you feel on the receiving end? Guilty, indebted, disrespected, or seen as incapable or less successful? Would you prefer to have someone raise you up rather than help you to become more in need or indebted? Does your conscience keep you from taking too much from a generous person or do you succumb to greed? Either way, step into the other shoes when making any financial or
gifting decision. Dove tailed outcomes or mutually achieving a goal provides ideal advantage. This strategy perpetuates success and eliminates the feeling of being disrespected or taken advantage of.
I went to a child’s birthday party at an indoor play place. I was amazed by the beautiful green turf on the indoor soccer field. I was instantly curious to touch it. The turf was clean, forgiving to fall on and didn’t
need to be maintained at all. When I mentioned it to one of the Dad’s he told me a wonderful story that I would never forget. The man who designed this soccer field turf had no money but a great idea. He stained shredded old tires green and packed it down to make a forgiving low maintenance indoor turf. To start his business he needed the resources to build his product. Meanwhile the old tire disposal costs were getting more and more expensive as pollution laws grew tighter. The tire store owner was finding his profits being squeezed. As this young man approached him with his idea asking to take the used tires off of his hands the tire store owner was relieved of the transport and disposal costs and the young new inventor was given resources to build his new business. As long as they each are successful the others business grows. Having someone’s success benefit from your success creates beneficial generosity.
The greatest example of dove tailed outcome generosity was “will work for food.” That old original, if used honestly, would have been beautiful dove tailing with an easy path out of poverty into financial freedom as an independent business owner and their first customer.
Do you get the idea that money is for storing up choices. If you don’t store up money you do not store up the options you will want for later. For most people this means that no matter how much pay they get they
manage to spend it anyway. In order to get control of the financial destiny in your life… most people need to start by taking 5-10% of what they make and stick it into an account that they pretend does not exist. Notice I did not say that the account was for an emergency or for a rainy day… I said it doesn’t exist. The point is that the account grows and begins to be the financial seed corn that allows you to plant the financial crops of your future. Because you learn that a dime out of every buck
is not that much to sock away and that you are in control of what Robert Toru Kiyosaki say’s is paying yourself first You then can feel in control of the financial world within your life. All of a sudden you are not a reactionary to bills and needs, etc. You are the captain of your ship. The financial obligations around you are not your captain, you are the one in charge of your life and this definitely includes money.
So if you usually used your financial success to give too much away then it is time to grow your stability so that you have more to give. Giving till it hurts does not mean giving more effectively. If it is really about helping the other people involved it is always better to, “Teach them to fish” not give them your fish. This is an important part of your financial success if you are bit too much of a giver…It is easier to help people if you have massive resources at your disposal than if you are struggling. Kinda like if you can swim well and you are not currently drowning, it is easier to assist a swimmer in trouble.
Welcome to You’re Worth It, a hypnosis session to help create self worth as a reflection of your finances and enjoyment of responsibly spending and saving money.
This audio program is to be used in a quiet place where you can close your eyes and rest for 20 to 30 minutes undisturbed.
If you are ready settle in to a position where you are fully supported so that if you let loose completely your body would comfortably flop into that position.
Now, take a deep breath and let go of all your muscles, that’s right.
Begin by tightening the muscles of your feet…tight….tight….tight and release….that’s right, just feel the blood flow and muscles let go. Now tighten your shins and calves..tight….tight…..tight hold it hold it, and release ….that’s right now tighten your thighs tight ….tight….tight and release. Feeling the blood flow…now tighten your abdomen and lower back… tight …tight….tight… and release….This time as you tighten
squeeze your arms, make fists, tight tight tight…hold it and release feel the humming vibration in your hands. Now, tighten your whole body from the bottoms of your feet to the top of your head, fists, clenching tight tight tight even you lips your scalp tight tight tight…. and release, that’s right. Just feel that release as I count from 10 to 1 you can drift deeper and heavier. Just imagine a chalkboard like when you were a child in school. See the number 10 written on the board and erase it away and drift deeper… just a chalky eraser mark 9 deeper and deeper relaxed…8 erasing it away…. 7 remembering to forget and forgetting to remember…6 numbers just lines and shapes now….5 already starting to fade and drift away 4 really letting go now 3… erasing it away 2 just faded chalky cloudy and 1 deep deep deep relaxation, letting it all go now.
You’ve now become so deeply relaxed that your subconscious mind is open and receptive to easier, safer, more entertaining ways to succeed and protect yourself. Thank your subconscious mind for protecting your integrity, nurturing your self esteem and keeping you humble so you will always be good. Ask your subconscious mind to think of 3 creative ways to protect your interests as you give to others. You can only be valuable to others when you are valuing yourself. Benefiting others as you benefit yourself is the only loving choice. You matter, you are enough, you are appreciated, loved, admired for you and not for what you can give. People gaining for themselves are not about you but now you seek out people who collaborate for mutual gain.
As I count from 5 to 1 you’ll come back refreshed alert and inspired. Begin noticing your fingers now, tingling moving touching 5 feeling really good now 4 refreshed and alert as if you’ve just woken from a
long deep sound sleep 3 feeling really good now 2 wide awake refreshed and alert 1 eyes open feeling wonderful in every way….yaaaaay!